
Here is the Saturday Market in Beaune, a far cry from the tiny market in St. Petersburg.
Everything here seems to be in abundance and all beautifully arranged - just look at that bouquet of radishes!
And it is packed... shoppers everywhere and tourists too
We shop for the food we need for Bartley to prepare a vegetarian lunch and I look at everything, I have lots more photos but you get the idea...

And here at this sausage stand is the man described to me as "the most eligible bachelor in Beaune"
Another day Christine takes us on a walking tour of the Ramparts of Beaune.
Look at those beautiful streets, no DOT here trying to pave over them...
And here is something I promised my self that I would find - a photo of a cat in at doorway or a window in this case
Ares, the puppy, comes with us as we walk...
It had looked like rain but the day cleared up nicely
Bartley is just too photogenic I can't pass up the opportunity to snap another one of him
And he takes one of me too...
After our tour of the ramparts, Monique, Christine's mother, invites us for a luncheon of fondue.  Her house is lovely and we sit out in the garden to a long and leisurely lunch.
Sylvie and Milk also live here with Monique and Christine
Victor took this photo and I think it is a great one of Ares
And here we all are, the luncheon guests...
And here is the fondue...

Another night I host a party at a local restaurant for the whole group

Afterward the girls have a drink in the bar next door